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because there are seeds that grow trees i bold it incase you were slow of reading based on the question i think you are

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Q: Why dont the earth run out of trees?
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Why do trees transfer energy into the earth?

they dont they give oxygen

Why does earth never run out of rain?

because i dont know

How would you get people to trees save the earth?

ther is many answers but i dont know any

What do you do to trees?

-we dont recycle -we cut down trees -we dont really plant new trees

Is the world running out of oxygen?

Trees create oxygen and many trees are here and still being plated dont worry about it we will run out of oxygen in aprox. 952,012,015,486,255,225,477,763,254,214 and by that time the world will probably end so we will never run out of oxygen.

When will you run out trees?

If we use agroforestry we shouldn't run out of trees at all!

What are uses of soil?

For trees if dont have soil there is no trees and if there is no trees we die because the trees make up the air. And if we dont have soil the flowers will not exist.

Is trees a renewed resource?

yes it is a renewable resource becouse there is alot of trees on earth and you will never run out becouse people keep planing trees and they keep growing so yes it is a renewable resource

How do oak and pine trees live?

they dont live their trees -.-

What are trees scared of?

i dont think trees are scared of anything lol

Will the world ever run out of trees?

Im pretty sure if we use agroforestry we will never run out of trees!

Why do you fear trees falling on you?

i dont.