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Q: Why double or triple bonds are unsaturated compounds?
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What compounds have saturated bonds?

Organic compounds with single bonds have saturated bonds. Unsaturated bonds are double or triple bonds. Compounds with saturated bonds have the maximum number of atoms that can be bond.

What is the different between a saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon?

Saturated hydrocarbon cannot bond with compounds anymore, where as unsaturated hydrocarbons can bond, as they contain double or triple bonds. When they bond, the double and triple bonds break and new separate single bonds are formed with hydrogens or any other external compounds.

Why ethanol cannot react with bromine water?

The unsaturated compounds having double or triple bonds under go the addition reactions with Bromine water, ethanol does not have the double or triple bonds

What is the chemical difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fats?

Unsaturated fats have double or triple carbon bonds.

How are unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbon different?

Saturated hydrocarbon cannot bond with compounds anymore, where as unsaturated hydrocarbons can bond, as they contain double or triple bonds. When they bond, the double and triple bonds break and new separate single bonds are formed with hydrogens or any other external compounds.

What is the name for organic compounds having double bonds?


Is Pentane saturated or unsaturated?

Yes, it is. Saturated compounds have no double bonds, and all alkanes (including cyclohexane) have no double bonds. the ending "-ane" means there are no double bonds. The ending "ene" means there are one or more double bond (-ene, -diene, -triene, -tetraene).

What is a unsaturated compound?

An unsaturated organic compound is one which has double or triple bonds in Carbon atoms. When all the bonds are single then the compound is called saturated. In unsaturated compounds the carbon atom will be in sp or sp2 hybridised state and in saturated compounds the carbon will be in sp3 hybridised state. Unsaturated compounds are identified by the reaction with bromine water which is pink in color. The pink color is lost due to addition of Bromine to the multiple bond. Aromatic compounds like benzene also contain double bonds but not considered as unsaturated. They do not give addition reactions under normal conditions.

Example of unsaturated hydrocarbon?

An unsaturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon containing at least one double or triple bond between carbon atoms. An alkene is a hydrocarbon containing double bonds. An alkyne is a hydrocarbon containing triple bonds. Ethene, C2H4, is an example of an unsaturated hydrocarbon with a double bond. ethyne (acetylene), C2H2 is an example of an unsaturated hydrocarbon with a triple bond. H-C=C-H The names of unsaturated hydrocarbons that have a double bonds end with the suffix -ene. The names of unsaturated hydrocarbons that have a triple bonds end with the suffix -yne.

What is an alkene?

Apex- A hydrocarbon containing a carbon-carbon double bond

Will decane give positive bromine test?

Positive Bromine tests are for unsaturated compounds that have double or triple bonds. Decane has a single bond, so the test will be negative.

What are organic compounds with double or triple bonds classified as?

Organic compounds with double bonds are classified as alkenes, and end with the suffix -ene, such as pentene or butene. Compounds with triple bonds are called alkynes, and end with -yne, such as octyne or propyne.