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because it will sit in your stomach, it takes food 3-4 hours to totally digest, eating something in that amount an hour before will cause cramps, discomfort, and potentially vomiting. If you have it the night before will give you the carbohydrates needed for the next days race.

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11y ago
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14y ago

pasta has a lot of carbs which are good for you when you are running because it helps you be fast and active.

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11y ago

I think they do this to give themselves a slow release of it would be more efficient for the race

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10y ago

Because it has a lot of easily utilised carbs for energy.

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Q: Why dp marathon runners often eat rice and pasta before a race?
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Fuel endurance exercise?

Carbohydrates are ultimately needed to fuel endurances exercises. Marathon runners will often "carbo-load" a couple of days before a race by eating a large amount of pasta.

What foods do marathon runners eat the night before a run?

Presumably a meal with a lot of energy in it, for example pasta. I once found out that footballers eat a lot of food and drink that is high in sugar before they play a game, so marathon runners must do something similar.

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No, because by stuffing carbohydrates in their pants pockets (if they have them) it will slow them down. Baked ziti is far worse than angel hair pasta, in this situation.

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Runners like to eat a heavy carb diet before they have a race to run, they do not eat dairy because it is really hard to digest. Right before a race lots of runners like to eat bananas so they will not get leg cramps.

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pasta is made up from carbohydrates which store energy great for runners

What high carb foods are good for eating before running a marathon?

Pasta and potatoes contain Glycogen which helps to maintain your energy levels when training for a marathon. Stay away from too many fruits and juices as those can cause stomach problems.

Why do you need wheat and rices in sport?

Rices, pasta and wheat are part of the 'long burning carbohydrates'. These burn for a longer period of time, and release energy slowly, rather than sugar- a 'short burning carbohydrate', which releases a huge amount of energy in a couple of minutes. This is why marathon runners take a diet, then two days before the race, they eat lots of carbohydrates, so their bodies will release energy during the race. Hence, they have the stamina.

What is used to colour pasta What is orange pasta made of How does pasta been coloured What do they use to colour pasta How do black pasta get its colour What is used to color orange pasta?

The answer to all of this is, basically, "food coloring." In the case of pasta, this is often done with vegetable extracts; for example, orange pasta may be colored with carrot juice or squash/pumpkin. Black pasta is often colored with squid ink. Green pasta is generally colored with spinach juice. Purple pasta comes from beet juice.

How does pasta affect the religion of Italy?

It doesn't. There was religion in Italy before pasta.

What is the solvent in pasta?

twas the night before xmas and then i made some pasta with chcoloate

How was pasta colored before the days of food additives?

Before they had food additives they didn't see any reason to colour their pasta.

Can you cook pasta a head of time?

You can cook the pasta earlier in the day, or the day before, then refrigerate it. You can then use it in a pasta salad or refry it.