

Why dynamometer is not used as breaks?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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because if it was that would be stupid like u

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12y ago
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Q: Why dynamometer is not used as breaks?
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A dynamometer is used to measure the mechanical power of an engine.

What exactly does a dynamometer measure?

A dynamometer measures force, torque, and power. It can be used to measure the power of an engine.

What does a dynamometer measures?

A dynamometer is used to measure force, torque or power of a engine. A dynamometer also can measure the torque and power needed to power a given driven machine.

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An absorption dynamometer is an instrument used to measure force, by measuring the energy absorbed via friction or electrical resistance.

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A chassis dynamometer is used to measure the full power of a rotating mounted object. It is commonly used to test the rotational force on motor vehicles.

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A dynamometer is a device that measures rotational speed. A torsion dynamometer is a dynamometer that measures torque, or the force with which something rotates.

What does DYNO stand for in general?

Dyno is an abbreviation of the word dynamometer. A dynamometer is a machine that calculates mechanical power. This can be used in the automotive industry to measure RPM and torque.

What is the function of a dynamometer?

A dynamometer is an instrument that measures the power output of an engine.

What is Prony brake dynamometer?

proney brake dynamometer is a device use to measure engine power

What is the purpose of a dynamometer?

A Dynamometer is a tool that measures the torque, force, or power. It can be used in a multiple amount of fields including the medical field to test the force of someone that has endured trauma to the hand. As well as mechanically, such as with pumps.

What are the five types of transmission dynamometer?

Epicyclic train dynamometer, Belt transmission, torsion mainly these 3

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