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They had just fought a war to rid themselves of a king and were afraid that a strong government would become like a king.

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Q: Why early Americans fear strong national government?
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Which political party wanted a strong central government?

The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong national government for the US.

Who believed in a stronger national government?

You are probably thinking about the early battles between the Federalists who believed in a strong federal government and were headed by John Adams and the states' rights group , led by Thomas Jefferson. George Washington sided with Adams for the most part.

Which early political party believed in strong state government and rule by people?

democratic-republians believed in a strong state government.

Why did early Americans need a federal government?

They needed one becasue

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the Confederate Party

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The Legislative branch

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The consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic and the army) and the senate were responsible for strengthening the government in the Early Republic.

What early political party fear that a strong federal government would endanger peoples liberties?

The Anti-Federalists feared strong centralized government and favored the individual and States having more power than the federal government.

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Alexander hamilton

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Federalists wanted to support England and also wanted a strong and powerful government, a national bank, and a loose interpretation of the Coast. The Democratic-Republicans wanted to support France and also wanted a small federal government, no national bank, and a strict interpretation of the Coast.

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Native americans/ American Indians

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