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Q: Why earth takes 4 minutes to cover 1 degree?
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How many minutes it takes the earth takes to rotate through one degree of longitude?

Roughly 4 minutes.

Is the earth revolving slow or fast around the sun?

The Earth spins on a 23.5 degree angle and takes 24 hours to do one spin or 23hours and 56 minutes to be exact. But the earth takes 365.5 days (year) to do a complete circuit of the sun.

How many minutes does it take to get to earth?

It takes 8 minutes for the sunlight from the sun to get to Earth.

How long does it takes the sunlight to reach the Earth?

It takes light around 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach the earth from the sun.

How long does it take the earth to rotate one degree?

It takes 24 hours to rotate 360 degrees so it takes one 360th of 24 hours to go through one degree. 4 minutes. It takes the earth 4 minutes to rotate one degree, since it takes 24 x 60 minutes to rotate 360 degrees. 24hrs. x 60 min/hr.= 1440 minutes/360 degrees. 1440 divided by 360 = 4 minutes/1 degree.

How many times does the earth rotate 180 degrees?

hi earth rotate two time in 24 hour at 180 degree ..because earth is round and it has total longitude 360 degree and earth take 24 hour to move on its axis .. so it cover two time rotate of 180 degree

Why is the days longer?

During the time it takes Earth to rotate 360°, it advances about 1° in its orbit of the sun, so in order for the same point to face the sun again, Earth has to rotate 361°. The extra degree of rotation takes about four minutes.

How many minutes does the sun take tovreach the earth?

It takes 8 minutes.

Why is the solar day longer?

During the time it takes Earth to rotate 360°, it advances about 1° in its orbit of the sun, so in order for the same point to face the sun again, Earth has to rotate 361°. The extra degree of rotation takes about four minutes.

How long does it takes from the sun to reach earth?

light takes about eight minutes

Time it takes the sun's light to reach the earth with units?

From the Sun to the Earth, it takes the light rays 8 1/3 minutes.From the Sun to the Earth, it takes the light rays 8 1/3 minutes.From the Sun to the Earth, it takes the light rays 8 1/3 minutes.From the Sun to the Earth, it takes the light rays 8 1/3 minutes.

The earth goes around the sun in a circle in 365 and a quarter days but a circle only has 360 degrees in it so you have 5 days more or a circle are 5 degrees short why?

A very good attempt to relate such resembling values together! It is not necessary for earth to go around the sun in 365 and quarter days. If the earth has taken say 600 days to go around the sun. Yet the degree around a point would be only 360. So it is not so essential for the earth to cover one degree in one day. If suppose it takes 600 days then to cover one degree it would take 600/360 = 5/3 = 1.666667 day. As it takes 365.25 day to cover 360 degree then in one day it would cover, 360/365.25 = 0.9856 deg Or to cover one degree it would take 365.25/360 = 1.01458 day.