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Your body stores extra calories as fat. If you take in more calories than you use the extra calories will be stored as fat regardless of what food type you got the calories from.

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Q: Why eating a fat free but high calorie diet can lead to fat gain?
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Can you gain weight on a liquid diet?

If you are a high calorie liquid diet, it can make you gain weight. It is best to incorporate food into your daily calorie intake.

Could you gain weight by eating too many sugar free lollies?

That depends, is it just "sugar free" or is it "calorie free". Calorie free lollies will not result in increased weight and may be able to help you avoid other treats that could have a lot of calories in them.

Do you gain weight once you stop a calorie diet?

Sometimes Yes, sometimes No. Depends how your exercise regime is, and how many calories you cut from your regular diet while you were on the calorie diet.

Is a 500 calorie diet per day safe?

No, it is not. A 500 calorie per day diet is not safe and it can make you gain weight. Any diet with less than 1000 calories will cause your body to go into a storage mode and you could cause injury to your organs.

Can eating raw carrots cause weight gain?

Not necessarily. If you eat them over your calorie maintenance level, then they more than likely will. But eating them as part of your calories, they're very healthy for you and can make a great part of your diet.

Will protein bars help you lose weight?

In moderation, they can. If you eat a ton of them and it ends up going over your calorie intake, then no, you'll most likely gain. But eating them as part of a reduced-calorie diet is good way to lose weight.

Is weight gain always due to eating too much fat?

No, not at all. Weight is gained simply if your calorie intake is more than the amount your body uses. You can gain weight from a normal diet, due to not exercising (average intake but insufficient use). Or of course, you will also gain weight if your calorie intake is too high, such as eating too many fats or sugars. Lastly you could gain wait for medical reasons. Tumours, water retention and pregnancy.

You can you gain 10 pounds?

Yes,by eating all the foods that have high calories and tastes good [to you]. Eating a high calorie diet will help you gain weight, but to properly do this without harming yourself, it's best to consult your doctor, who can tell you whether you need to gain the weight in the first place. If so, your doctor can instruct you, or refer you to a nutritionist.

What is the fastest way to gain weight when your a 16 year old guy?

The best way would probably be working out and eating a lot of meat.You should lift weights, but instead of eating a lot of meat, get on a high calorie diet. You will gain muscle mass, and muscle weighs more than fat.

Can not eating gain body fat?

No. Body fat without any calorie surplus is not possible.

Is the 1000 calorie diet healthy?

Yes a 1000 calorie diet is healthy to use. Doing this will allow your body to not really gain any access body fat. It will keep you fit and trim as long as its done with the right diet and exercise.

Is there free diet plan available for weight control?

There are many diet plans available online. You can limit your weight gain by taking in more fruits and vegetables, eating smaller portions and exercising often.