

Why electric cars over gasoline cars?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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I don't pick electric over gas.

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Q: Why electric cars over gasoline cars?
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Why have gasoline powered cars not been entirely replaced by electric cars?

Electric cars have a limited driving range.

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The Motor of Electric Cars?

One of the reasons electric cars have risen in popularity is due to their motors. The motors of electric cars are powered by an electric motor rather than a gasoline engine. The motors of electric cars allow you to save money on gasoline and still accelerate at high speeds.

How will production of electric cars affect production of gasoline cars in the future?

Electric car's are constantly getting better. A lot of them are already more efficent then gasoline vehicles. As battery technology and public awareness of electric cars increase so will the production of electric vehicles causing a decrease in production of gasoline vehicles.

Hybrid cars have 2 motors what are they?

Electric and usually gasoline.

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So-called "hybrid" cars can be powered by more than one type of fuel. i.e. gasoline/electric - gasoline/diesel - etc. So-called "hybrid" cars can be powered by more than one type of fuel. i.e. gasoline/electric - gasoline/diesel - etc.

What kind of cars were used in 1912?

There were gasoline powered cars, electric powered cars and steam powered cars available then.

How many kinds of cars are there?

Diesel, Steam, Electric, Hybrid, & Gasoline.

Are electric cars better for the environment than gasoline cars?

scientifically speaking, their both very useful inventions in their on way. Electric cars are mostly better then gasoline-powered cars because, their mostly used to not polluting the air and to save the planet before it becomes a disaster. Gasoline-powered cars are better than electric cars because they are a lot cheaper the car it self and also the reparation ex; electric cars have batteries and the batteries cost a lot of money however its worth it, because you will no longer be polluting as much air as gasoline-powered cars, So do the right choice! You know what the rigth choice is wink wink. Incase you don't know I'm talking about electric cars.

How can electric cars can help our energy crisis in the future?

they do not require gasoline obviously, so their will be less need for petroleum. and electric cars recharge overnight for as little as $1.50 a charge, so they are also cheaper in the long run than gasoline cars

Why do you need to switch to electric cars?

You should switch to electric cars because there cheaper to drive and they have zero emissions. The electricity created to power electric cars also is less pollutant then gasoline vehicles.

What is the difference between hybrid cars and gasoline only cars?

A Hybrid car uses both electric motors and a gasoline engine. Some Hybrids use a very small gasoline engine to assist in charging the batteries that drive the electric motors. These cars often use breaking to charge the batteries as well