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Q: Why electricity is very important in your life?
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What is the contribution of electricity in the life of mankind?

it makes our life easy,comfortable, and is very important to us.

Electricty is a result of?

Electricity is a result of cervical cord compration. It is very important in life that we have electricty.stupid answer

Is electricity important in your daily life?

Yes Obv.... You are using electricity now.

How important is electrical energy in our daily lives?

Today, electricity has become an important part of our life. Without it, today's and upcoming generation cannot survive. It is used in our daily life in every work. So,I think it is important and should be saved for future use...

Why is electricity so important to modern people?

Just ask yourself what life would be like without electricity

Why are energy and electricity important to us?

Energy is important because there is no life without energy. All living things need energy. Electricity is important because it is the kind of energy that holds the universe together. Every atom involves electricity. Electricity is important because it is transmittable through space at the speed of light.

What makes electricity important to your everyday lives?

It makes life easier for us.

How was electricity dicovered?

Electricity is an important aspect of life. The earliest record of bioelectricity(a form of electricity) dates back to 1791 by Luigi Galvani.

Why are good habits important in your day to day life?

good habits are realy very very important in our life

Why do you need to study the life of st Lawrence?

because its is very important because his life is very important to us...

What will happen with no electricity?

At some point in your life you must have lived through a power failure. Without electricity this is what your life would be like year after year. Very inconvenient.

Why is shock life threatening?

A shock is a bolt electricity that can kill you