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Q: Why elements only emit a small number of wavelengths.?
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How did the scientists figure out what gasses are on the sun?

The gasses in the sun are very hot and therefore glow; the specific wavelengths of light that they emit are characteristic of specific elements.

Which has more energy purple or red?

Purple has a higher energy than red. Purple also has shorter wavelengths that emit a higher intensity compared to red that has longer wavelengths that emit a lower intensity.

I was wondering is it possible to identify an object by detecting what wavelengths of radiation it emits. For example would a ball emit radiation of wavelengths x y and z?

The wavelengths of incoming solar radiation are shorter than the wavelengths of re-radiated heat.

Why elements in gaseous state emit radiation?

They do not! Most gases do not emit radiation.

What elements that emit atomic particles are called?

radioactive elements

How astronomers can identify the gasses found in a planet's atmosphere explain?

It's by analzying the spectrum of light reflected off the planet, through a method called spectroscopy. Different elements absorb light energy at different wavelengths, and re-emit light at specific, well-characterized wavelengths. By analyzing the light reflected off a planet, scientists can work out the most abundant elements in its atmosphere.

Wavelenghts at which planets emit enregy?

Most planets absorb energy in the light and UV (and shorter) wavelengths. Planets radiate energy in the infrared (heat) and longer wavelengths.

What elements emit alpha beta and gamma rays?

Radioactive elements.

Which elements emit radiation in the visible part of the spectrum?

Radioactive elements such as radium or uranium emit radiation. There are three types of "radiation"; alpha particles (which are solitary electrons), beta particles (helium nuclei, consisting of two protons and two neutrons) and "gamma radiation", which is high-energy electromagnetic energy similar to light or X-rays.

Lasers emit what kind of energy?

Monochromatic, coherent, electromagnetic energy tuned over a wide range of frequencies/wavelengths.

Do the hottest bodies produce the shorter wavelenghts of maximum radiation?

Hotter bodies emit wavelengths which peak at the shorter end of the spectrum.

Does your head emit radiation?

As long as you're alive, your head will emit heat radiation. (infrared) If you haven't been munching in on polonium etc, the number of other radiation emitted from your body is disposably small.