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Q: Why farmers should understand the climate and soil tip for the area in which they farm.?
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What do you understand by climate?

climate can be explained as weather patterns that remain constant for a period of about 10 years, in a certain area influenced by location and altitude. Changing ofcourse with seasons.

What weather report refers to climate?

The meteorological weather report refers to the weather report of a given area. This piece of information is important to farmers and the airline industry.

What area of earth science is likely to involve the study of climate?

Weather should be the section.

Do the area's climate can be predicted by its size?

climate size be predicted by area's

Climate conditions in a small area that differ signifcantly from the climate of the surrounding area is called?


What two instruments should you use when you want to study the climate of an area?

Thermometer and rain gauge

Define in scientific terms the word 'climate' and describe the climate in your area What factors influence the climate in your area?

climate is the change of weather in the world

How does an area weather differ from the area climate?

Weather is the area's day-to-day conditions and climate is the area's average conditions.

How does an area's weather differ from the area's climate?

Weather is the area's day-to-day conditions and climate is the area's average conditions.

How does climate affect the climate in an area?


What do a meteorologists use to determine climate of an area?

Meteorologists use a variety of tools and data sets to determine the climate of an area. This includes historical weather records, satellite imagery, weather models, and ground-based observations such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and humidity measurements. They analyze and interpret this information to understand long-term weather patterns and to make predictions about the climate in a particular area.