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Q: Why favorable mutations more likely pass on?
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How do mutation get transferred to offspring?

DNA mutations can pass from parents to off spring only if the mutation occurs in the sex cells (eggs and sperm).

Is smooth shiny rock or dull grainy looking rock more liking to let water pass through it?

The Dull and grainy looking rock is more likely to let water pass though

Process by which favorable traits of an organism become more common in successive generations and unfavorable traits become less common?

Because individuals who have these favourable traits will give them them an advantage and therefore they are more likely to survive in their competition with other organisms and breed. Then when they breed, they pass these advantageous alleles onto their offspring which in turn gives them an advantage and they are more liekly to survive and pass it onto their offsprings and so on. Over time, the frequency of the advantageous alleles increases at the expense of the alleles that are less advantageous and therefore decrease so that's why favourable traits become more common in organisms over time.

Will Hurricane Earl hit Connecticut?

A direct hit is almost impossible. Some wind and rain is a possibility but less likely. It is more likely Earl will pass far enough east to leave Connecticut unaffected.

If a trait has no effect on an organisms fitness what would likely happen to the allele for that trait?

Perhaps nothing. Any trait that natural selection is blind to could pass, but many would pick-up deleterious mutations as the organisms possessing such traits would not be eliminated from the gene pool. Great ape vitamin C synthesizing pathways are one example of this. One gene coding for a part of this pathway has been ' knocked out ' by mutations and great apes ( including us ) can not synthesize vitamin C.

Related questions

How does natural selection help evolution?

Mutations are random... they can be good, bad, or neutral.Natural selection makes evolution a non-random process by making it more likely that organisms with bad mutations will die without mating, while those with good mutations will live on to pass the gene to the next generation making it more fit.

What is Darwin's great idea?

Survival of the fittest, the idea that if something has a favorable trait, it is more likely to survive and reproduce and pass on that trait. It is the basis of the modern evolution theory

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Why is the bird ont the right more likely to pass on its genes than the bird on the left?

The bird on the right is more likely to pass on its genes because it has a longer beak so it can get more food and eat more making it more likely to pass on its genes.

Does evolution involves descent with modification?

Partly yes. When organisms procreate there are always mutations, (mistakes), in the copying of the DNA. When a mutation or series of mutations helps a species to live through changes in environment it would be considered more successful and would be more likely to have offspring to pass on those mutations to the next generation.

Will someone explain to me exactly what evolution is and why atheists believe it?

Evolution is a theory put forth by a man called Charles Darwin. He postulated that animals evolve over time, and that when animals gain favorable mutations, it increases their chances of survival and therefore mating. When they mate they pass on their mutations to their young and spread the change throughout the species. Atheists, who don't believe in a god(s), find that this is the most likely way that animals came to be on earth.See related links.

For a bill to become a law what does it have to pass?

It must pass with a vote of one more than 50% in the house and the senate and then it must be approved by the President. If the President vetoes it, it must pass through the house and senate with a 2/3 favorable vote

What must an animal have to adapt to its environment?

Adaptations occur for various reasons. Random mutations occur naturally and when those mutations are beneficial for staying alive, those traits are more likely to be passed down to future generations. An animal that is able to process meat as well as fruits and vegetables will be more likely to survive, should there be a shortage of one type of food and therefor will be more likely to pass down its genetics.

How can new mutations be added to a gene pool?

Mutations are added to a gene pool when a mutation (completely random) occurs in a person. They will pass this gene on to their offspring (and so on, and so forth).

How do differences in rRNA suggest the amount of time since divergence?

1. The more generations that pass, the more random changes there will be in a genetic code for the same protein. 2. Mutations occur at a fairly constant rate.

Why are mutations are important for evolution?

Mutations serve up the variations in organisms to natural selection. The reproductively successful variations pass on these successful traits to progeny and allele frequencies change because of this and this is evolution.

How do mutation get transferred to offspring?

DNA mutations can pass from parents to off spring only if the mutation occurs in the sex cells (eggs and sperm).