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Indio meant native of the Indies. Look up West and East Indies.

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Q: Why filipino called indio by the Spaniards?
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Why is the filipino called indio's in spanish period?

the history of indio to fili pino

What is indio Filipino?

"Indio" was a term used during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines to refer to the native Filipino population. It was one of the social classes based on racial and social hierarchy imposed by the Spanish colonizers. Over time, the term has been reclaimed and embraced by some Filipinos as a symbol of resistance and cultural pride.

Why do spanish called filipino as indio?

magnanakaw daw kasi pnoy

Why rizal is called to be the first filipino?

because rizal is the first filipino who fought the spaniards through writings without any bloody war

Kind of educational program made by the Spaniards towards the Filipino natives?

The Spaniards made an educational program for Filipino natives where primary education was compulsory.

Why is that Jose Rizal wants to redeem the Filipino against Spaniards?

Its because Jose Rizal don't want or like the way the Spaniards treat the Filipino peoplethe Spaniards think that they are the supreme because of their color.

What were Rizal's professions?

rizal profession is to unite filipino and spaniards

When was the first Filipino revolution against Spaniards?

aug 30,1896

Who inroduced siesta in Filipino?

Siesta was introduced by the Spaniards to the Filipinos.

What is hello in Filipino?

is - Kumusta. It sounds like Spanish - because the Spaniards went to the Philippines.

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What are the effects of the filipino revolution against the spaniards?

they will killed,bring to prison,,and etc.