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No, fluorine is the most reactive element that exists.

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Q: Why fluorine is more reactive than oxygen?
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What is more reatice fluorine or chlorine?

Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine.

Which is more reactive fluorine or nitrogen?

Fluorine is the most reactive element period. So, it is therefore more reactive than carbon. However, as carbon forms the basis of organic molecules, people come across its compounds more often.

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Is fluorine more reactive than chlorine?


Will fluorine replace iodine in a reaction?

Yes. Fluorine is more reactive than iodine.

Is nitrogen more reactive than oxygen?

No, oxygen is the more reactive element!

Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen?

Yes it is more electro negative. F has the highest electro negativity

Is fluorine more reactive than acylchloride?

No, acyl chloride is very reactive as both an electrophile or a nucleophile. Fluorine is just very electronegative.

Why the compounds of fluorine with oxygen are called fluorides of oxygen and not oxides of fluorine?

As fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, fluorine acts as the electron acceptor in the compounds with oxygen. As fluorine becomes partially negative charged and positive for oxygen, they are called fluorides.

Why chlorine is highly reactive than other halogens?

It isn't. Fluorine is more reactive. However, Chlorine is more reactive than Bromine, Iodine and Astatine. It is all to do with molecular size. Fluorine wants to get to a stable 10 electrons to be like Neon more than Chlorine wants to get to get 18 lectrons to be like Argon. This is because the valence/bonding electrons are closer to the nucleus in Fluorine than they are Chlorine and thus more strongly attracted.

Why fluorine cannot form oxyacids?

Fluorine can not form oxyacids because fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, and oxyacids are formed only from elements that are less electronegative than oxygen.

Is 0-F polar or non polar?

the Oxygen-Fluorine bond is polar, as the fluorine is more electronegative than the Oxygen, the Fluorine would be the negative side