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Francium iodide was not prepared but this compound should be real.
Francium is very difficult to be prepared, unstable and because of the heat of decay is easy autovaporized - any experiment is possible.

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Q: Why francium iodide don't exist?
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Francium doesn't exist in air.

What is the origin of francium?

Francium exist in uranium and thorium ores.

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A francium bomb cannot exist.

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Francium doesn't exist in the environment.

Can and does francium exist in other forms?

Francium can be solid, liquid or gaseous.

Where is francium found and how can you gather it?

Francium exist in uranium and thorium ores but it is not exploitable.

How does francium affect the economy?

Any link exist between francium and the economy.

What is One of Francium's ores?

Francium hasn't ores; infinitesimal amounts of francium exist in some uranium ores.

Where is francium found and how is it obtained?

Natural francium exist in uranium and thorium ores.Artificial francium is obtained in particle accelerators.

Why was francium invented later?

Francium exist only in infinitesimal concentrations in uranium ores; the identification of francium is very difficult.

Is it possible to mine francium?

Impossible; francium hasn't ores - infinitesimal amounts of francium exist in some uranium ores.