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Q: Why frequency does not change during refraction?
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Which property of light ray does not change in refraction?

Frequency remains same.

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Does light's Energy Decreases as it travels from air into water?

No the Energy of the light doesn't change when it passes through rarer to denser medium. Only Wavelength changes which cause change in its direction. Since Frequency is directly proportional to the Energy and frequency is constant during refraction therefore the energy also remain constant.

How does the index of refraction affect frequency?

By the amount of time:)

The bending of waves due to a change in speed is?

It is Refraction

What is changed to cause refraction?

Refraction is a change in direction of a wave due to a change in its transmission medium.

What is the meaning of reflection and refraction?

Reflection is a change of the angle of light without a change of medium. Refraction is a change of the angle of light with a change of medium.

What is it called when a wave goes from one medium to another and it changes speed and direction?

The change in direction is called refraction.

What is light refraction used for?

Refraction of light allows for the change of appearance of an object

What property does not change when a wave goes from 1 medium to another?

The answer is normally considered to be frequency. Unless the media are in relative motion and the observers reference frame changes with the light.As light transits from one medium to another, it undergoes a process called refraction. In normal refraction, both the speed of light and the wavelength change, but the frequency remains the same.But if the light is sent by a spacecraft or emitter in space (sun or star) and measured in the atmospheric medium of earth (different reference frame) the frequency will have changed, as light always does 'c/n' locally, where n is the refractive index, in each inertial frame (in relative motion).What does not change is the energy it contains, as frequency always balances wavelength. (E = f Lambda).

A lens makes the light change direction what is the change of direction called?

Scattering is an interaction of light with matter that causes light to change its energy, direction of motion, or both. so the plain answer is scattering the particles.

Does meaning of normal change when representing refraction?
