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becasue it makes up half of a humans mass

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Q: Why functional proteins are important?
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What functional groups compose proteins?

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are made up of amines (NH2) and carboxyls (COOH). They are joined by peptide bonds. Examples of functional categories of proteins includes Contractile proteins, regulatory proteins, structural proteins, transport proteins, catalytic proteins and immunological proteins

What are the two major types of proteins that build parts of cells?

functional proteins and structural proteins

What part of the cell contains instructions for making proteins and other important molecules?

DNA carries the instructions for the production of functional products (like proteins). In Eurkayotic cells, this is found in the nucleus.

Are enzymes functional proteins?

Yes enzymes are falling in a class of functional proteins. Their role is catalyzing biochemical reactions. One good example is a protease catalyses the digestion of proteins to peptides.

What is the difference between structural and functional proteins?

Structural Proteins form Structures, like bones and muscle. Functional Proteins are you used to do stuff, so pretty much everything else

What functional class of membrane proteins do the immune system detect?

recognition proteins

Are most proteins enzymes?

No, it most be carefully note that all enzymes are mostly proteins and not all proteins are enzymes. Enzymes carry out the catalysis of biochemical reactions in and out of the cells. there are different non enzymatic structural and functional proteins they do have important roles such as hormones, structural proteins such as collagen etc.

What is the role of functional proteins?

Growth and Repair

Are enzymes classified as structural proteins or functional proteins?

Enzymes are proteins, each with a uniquely specific Biochemical Function.

What is a funtional protein?

A functional protein is a type of protein that is responsible for carrying out specific functions in the body. These proteins have a specific three-dimensional structure that allows them to interact with other molecules in order to perform their function. Examples of functional proteins include enzymes, which facilitate chemical reactions, and transport proteins, which help move molecules across cell membranes.

A hormone is an example of which functional class of proteins?

A hormone is an example of a signaling protein, which is a functional class of proteins that transmit information within the body to regulate physiological processes.

Examples of globular functional proteins?
