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The ions of salt are very attracted to the dipoles of water molecules, which results in more water molecules being attracted to salt ions than gas molecules. Because of this, there are less molecules capable of dissolving the gas.

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6mo ago

Gases are less soluble in salt water than in pure water because the presence of salt ions in the water disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules. This reduces the ability of gases to dissolve in the water, as the solubility of gases is primarily dependent on the strength of the intermolecular forces in the solvent. Additionally, the salt ions may also compete with the gas molecules for solvation, further decreasing gas solubility.

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Q: Why gases are less soluble in salt water than in pure water?
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No, only those that do not dissolve in water, or they will dissolve in the water rather than bubble through it to be collected. Examples of gases that can be collected over water include:- Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen (only slightly soluble), methane, carbon monoxide. Examples of gases that can just be collected over water (quie soluble - so much will be dissolved in the water as well):- Nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, chlorine Examples of gases that are too soluble to be collected over water:- hydrogen chloride, ammonia (which is the most soluble of all gases) Both of these gases are collected by displacement of air - hydrogen chloride by the gas jar being held as in a glass - with the base on the table - because it is heavier than air (chlorine and carbod dioxide can be collected like this too) and and ammonia by the gas jar being held upside down to trap the ammonia (as it is lighter than air).

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How do you indicate if it is pure or soluble?

if it dissolves it's soluble

Which is more soluble in pure water at room temperature Lead Nitrate or Lead Sulphate?

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What is flowing slower pure water or Perrier water?

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