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The best way to explain why is because Digimon can digivolve through multiple paths. Even though in the show they only showed certain evolutions. Exveemon and stingmon can Dna digivolve to dinobeemon.

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Q: Why gatomon can warp-digivolve to magnadramon and ophanimon?
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How do you get ophanimon in Digimon dusk?

digivolve gatomon till you get one

What does Angewomon digivolve to?

Angewomon can digivolve into Exaamon, Magnadramon and Ophanimon, the in-show Angewomon as was shown in the third part of Saban's Digimon The Movie or as shown in Japan was the third Japanese-aired movie Angewomon was capable of digivolving to her Mega level form of Magnadramon (Holydramon in the Japanese version) however in the Digimon Adventure video game that was released along with the "Armor Evolution to the Unknown" CD Drama that was released it was revealed that Angewomon is now capable of digivolving into a new Mega-level form that is called Ophanimon instead of being able to digivolve into Magnadramon.

Is gatomon a boy?

No Gatomon is a girl. It's pretty obvious.

What episode did gatomon digivolved?

Gatomon digivolves to Angewomon for the first time in the episode that's titled "Wizardmon's Gift."

Who do you get gatomon on digimoh dusk?

maybe where you get tokomon that digivolves into patomon which digivolves into Angemon and gatomon digivolves into Anogewomon. it might look like a yellow cat, instead of gatomon. this place are the woods. im not sure what it is called.

What does Gatomon Digivolve to?

What are you an idiot?! Gatomon digivolves into the best Digimon of the Ultimate Level of all time, also known as ANGEWOMON!

What is the next digivolution of Angewomon?

The anime and movies only show one or two available evolution lines for each digimon, but the card and video games are just as valid digimon canon, and the evolution lines are not as restrictive. Angewomon can potentially evolve to - Babamon, Eaglemon, Valkyrimon, Rosemon, Magnadramon, Seraphimon, Beelzemon, Lilithmon, Gallantmon, Imperialdramon, ClavisAngemon, MarineAngemon, Omnimon, Kentaurosmon, Darkdramon , Dynasmon, and Ophanimon.

What are all the things Gatomon evolves to?

Gatomon, Black Gatomon, Nyromon, Salamon, Snowbotamon, NifertimonW/Digiegg of light, LynxmonW/Digiegg of courage, Angewomon, Gatomon X, Black Gatomon X, MaildramonW/Digiegg of miracles /fate, KabukimonW/Digiegg of Sincerity , TylomonW/ Digiegg of Faith, GoatmonW/digiegg of hope, OpossumonW/digiegg of Kindness , Butterflymon W/digiegg of Knowledge , SwanmonW/digiegg of love and RabbitmonW/digiegg of friendship. PS W's mean with and / are for nothing

What is the name of the digimon that looks like a cat?


Did Wizardmon and Gatomon love each other?

As far as we know, it was unrequited love. Gatomon certainly loved Wizardmon but we aren`t sure if Wizardmon actually loved Gatomon or just had love for her as a sibling. It is left quite ambiguous in the series but as far as we know, the two certainly cared for each other in their own sweet way. EDIT: Yes, they did care for each other. More like siblings though, but I believe Wizardmon might have loved Gatomon more than she him, since he died to save Kari for Gatomon. But that's just my opinion.

How do you get gatomon?

get an holy egg and hacth itget an holy egg and hacth it

Does Gatomon ever get her tail ring back?

Yes, in the last episode