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GLucose does release energy quicker than starch. this is because starches (CH2O) are the compounds in which glucose is stored.

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Enzyme, of course as the specific enzyme that hydrolyzes starch is induced to fit starch as it's substrate.

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7y ago

Starches are glucose polymers and must be broken apart into individual glucose molecules first, by the process of hydrolysis.

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Q: Does glucose release energy quicker than starch?
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What are energy rich compounds such as starch and glucose?

Starch and glucose are carbohydrates.

Why is starch found in plants?

Glucose for energy is stored as starch in plants. The glucose molecules join up to form starch molecules.

What does a plant do with glucose and starch?

It uses it for energy

How are glucose sucrose and starch related?

humans store the energy from starch as glycogenBoth starch and glycogen are are polymers formed from sugar molecules called glucose and they serve as energy storage.

What happens when starch boiled?

Starch is energy for our body, glucose can not be stored so it is stored as starch, but before this starch can be used as energy to our body, it must be turned back into glucose, this is done by amylase, it breaks down the starch back into glucose so it can be used.

What is the equivalent of plant starch in animals?

Their digestive processes convert the starch to glucose. They can now use the glucose as a source of energy.

Why is sugar recommended for a hypo as opposed to starch?

1) Sugar converts to glucose much faster than starch 2) Sugar is digested quicker than starch 3) Sugar raises blood sugar level in the body quicker

What is the function of starch in animals?

Starch is a polysaccharide, thus it is made up of many molecules of monosaccharides (glucose). THis allows it to be consumed then reduced to glucose to provide energy for the organism. It is how plants store their energy.

Does a molecule of starch have more stored energy than a glucose molecule and why?

yes - starch is a larger molecule (with more bonds holding atoms together, so it has more energy) because it is a polymer of glucose. Glucose is one ring of carbons and starch is a chain of these.

Do starchy foods provide energy?

Yes. The starch molecule is a string of glucose molecules. When eaten, the starch is broken down by enzymes into individual glucose molecules. Glucose is the human body's primary source of energy.

What is the different between animal and plant starch?

Animals do not store glucose in starch molecules, but rather in glycogen molecules. Starch molecules have infrequent branching of glucose chains and as such are not readily broken down into glucose monomers by the enzymes that catalyze the reaction. Glycogen molecules follow the same basic structure as starch molecules, but instead have more branching and consequently are broken down easier. This allows for quicker "burst" energy and is better suited to animals' mobility.

Does glucose contain starch?

Glucose is one of the most important carbohydrates. It is used in respiration in our bodies and photosynthesis in plants. Its symbol equation is C6H2O6 and it contan Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.