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Q: Why had slavery been on the decline before the invention of the cottonm gin and how did slavery change as a result of the cotton gin?
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Why had slavery been on the decline before the invention of the cotton gin?

After the American Revolution prices went down on tabacco, rice, and indigo. Less slavery was necessary because the farmers were not making a profit off their crops.

Why had slavery been on the decline before the cotton gin?

After the American Revolution prices went down on tabacco, rice, and indigo. Less slavery was necessary because the farmers were not making a profit off their crops.

Why had the slavery been on the decline before the cotton gin?

After the American Revolution prices went down on tabacco, rice, and indigo. Less slavery was necessary because the farmers were not making a profit off their crops.

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No, he Bill of Rights was not written before slavery. Slavery was already being practiced long before Columbus discovered the Americas.

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There was no slavery in Africa before the Europeans got involved!