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Q: Why haemoglobin is complex of globular protein and non proteinaceous material?
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Necessary for the absorption and use of iron in the formation of hemoglobin?

chemically haemoglobin is a iron complex. haem is the iron part in haemoglobin. without the iron the complex entity is not formed. and without iron rbc can't carry oxygen because there will be no lone pair electrons to give out. in other words oxyhaemoglobin doesn't forms. hence iron is an important part in haemoglobin as well as in rbc.

How do you cure low hemoglobin?

we can increase haemoglobin by eating lots of green and leafy vegetables as it is a an iron containing complex protein.

Blood positive or negative sol?

as far as i am aware, the haemoglobin complex is a positive sol. so that makes blood a positive sol too perhaps!

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protein is a complex natural substance that has a globular or fibrous structure composed of linked amino acids while the gravy is a sauce made with meat juices. iv

How does carbon monoxide increase blood pressure?

it combines with haemoglobin forming the carboxyhaemoglbin thus which is alarge complex and affinity to the oxygen is lost leading to increase in blood pressure.

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endoplasmic reticlum and golgi complex

What causes carbon monoxide to get into the body?

Engine exhaust, grills, and cigarettes. Carbon monoxide is a gas that is produced from these subjects.

What is ferritin?

Ferritin is a globular protein complex consisting of 24 protein subunits and is the primary intracellular iron-storage protein in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, keeping iron in a soluble and non-toxic form. Ferritin that is not combined with iron is called apoferritin.Ferritin is a globular protein complex consisting of 24 protein subunits and is the primary intracellular iron-storage protein in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, keeping iron in a soluble and non-toxic form. Ferritin that is not combined with iron is called apoferritin.

Advantage and disadvantage of material management?

One advantage of material management is the ability to control pollution. A disadvantage to material management is the fact that it can be a complex area of business.

What does the hemoglobin in blood contain?

Hemoglobin is made up of heme and globular protein. The heme contains iron inside a ring of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen molecules. The protein chains are complex helical structures.

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