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because he set the ground for so many new theories, thereby laying the foundation for modern physics. He was a nobel prize winner.

His most famous theory, the theory of relativity, has been proved in every single experiment to modern day. In other words, modern day science has not been able to disprove it.

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Q: Why has Albert Einstein receive public recognition?
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Did fame affect albert's life?

Yes, fame had a significant impact on Albert Einstein's life. It brought him worldwide recognition, professional opportunities, and financial security. However, it also made him a public figure scrutinized by the media and subject to intense pressure and expectations.

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they were shocked

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No. In fact, Albert Einstein often made it known to the public that he wouldn't give up, and he often just ignored people who put him down.

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The athletes in the first eight places in each Olympic event receive a diploma and public recognition. Only the first three receive medals.

Who is the most famous Scientist in the world?

Determining the "most famous" scientist in the world is subjective and can vary based on criteria such as contributions to science, public recognition, and impact on society. However, one of the most widely recognized and influential scientists in history is Albert Einstein. His theory of relativity (E=mc2) revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect and the theory of Brownian motion also had profound implications for quantum mechanics. His contributions to physics earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Einstein's name is synonymous with genius, and his image is instantly recognizable, making him one of the most famous scientists in the world.

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The modes of recognition of states under public international law are declaratory and constitutive. Declaratory recognition occurs when a state recognizes another based on its existence as a sovereign entity, regardless of the recognizing state's actions. Constitutive recognition involves an active decision by a state to establish formal diplomatic relations and treat the recognized entity as a state.

Popular socailist leader in the United States?

American Socialists lack name recognition even among political scientists. Some who have advocated an upward flow of Capital instead of trickle down (Voodoo Economics) included Eugene V. Debs, Norman Thomas, Michael Harrington and Albert Einstein (the latter is much better known for physics then for public policy).

When did public recognition begin?

when you pooed