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It is likely that many devout Catholics would disagree with such a general and sweeping statement.

Certainly some of the doctrine and perceived wisdom of that church have changed.

It does so to accommodate knew knowledge and new insights. That can only be for the good.

A Catholic point of view:

Doctrine never changes. However, when a new situation does come up the Church looks at how the existing doctrines apply to the new situation. Examples would be in vitro fertilization, human cloning, etc.

Unfortunately, with the advent of Vatican II, too many of the clergy around the world decided to stop teaching Catholic doctrine from the pulpit or in Catholic Schools so as to 'Protestantize' the Church. Therefore, it isn't so much that many Catholics consider doctrine as irrelevant, they don't know what the doctrine is unless they have taken it upon themselves to search for an answer. Most Catholics learn more about Catholic doctrine from the evening news than from the pulpit. Therefore, many Catholics have lost their identity for the sake of ecumenism and political correctness. This is truly a disgraceful situation.

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Q: Why has Catholic doctrine become irrelevant to most Catholics around the world?
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