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hmm, maybe better roads and engine technology.

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Q: Why has the speed limit for cars changed in Britain over the last 100 years?
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How has new Britain changed over the last 100 years?

new Britain has been changed over the past 100 years.Like the speed limit people get into so many accident in the past and in the present so they keep adjusting the speed limit according to what they see in drivers.

Why has there been Changes to speed limits in Britain in the last 100 years?

== == There have been so many crashes in the last 100 years so the speed limit has changed to accomodate this and reduce the crashes on British roads

What is speed limit on us 19 Florida?

I believe the maximum speed limit is 55 MPH. I haven't been there in several years, so it may have changed since then.

Why has the speed limit changed in the past 100 years?

In the 1970's the speed limit was lowered as a national recommendation in the belief that the higher speeds caused excess gasoline consumption.

How has the speed limit changed in GB in the last hundred years?

not at all since it was introduced thanks to the government being dicks not increasing it on motorways as the ability of cars increased.

How has the speed limit changed in the last 100 years?

1865-the locamotive act imposed a speed limit of 2mph in cities,towns and villages1896-the first speeding ticket for doing 8mph in a 2mph zone1903-the speed limit was rised to 20 mph with large fines for speeding and reckless driving1930-the road traffic act abolished the 20mph speed limit and set a variety of limits for different types of vehicle1934-a limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas1940- a 20mph speed limit in darkness was introduced to try and reduce the high number of road accidents1965-a speed limit of 50mph was introduced on some rural roads1967-it became compulsory to fit seat belts in cars but not to wear them1991-to reduce accidents in busy urban areas, zones with a 20mph speed limit were introduced1992-speed enforcement cameras were introduced at fixed sites1998-the DETR reported that on roads in great Britain in 19973599 people were killed42967 were seriously injured327544 were slightly injured

Why has the speed limit changed over the last hundred years in Great Britain?

There use to be no speed limit on motorways in UK, as more and more people bought cars, and cars could go faster and faster. There were growing accidents on the roads, many of which were fatal due to the cars of the time not being built for safety. A growing number of super cars were also being built which could exceed 150 mph and sports car makers were testing them on the motorways of UK. The government was not comfortable with the speeds of these cars, so they introduced a national speed limit of 70 mph in 1965 while they considered their options. A few years later it was concluded that the 70 mph limit had lowered serious accidents, and it was then made permanent.

How has population changed since 1948 in Britain?

Population has changed in Britain since 1948 because of its diverse nature. Over the years people have migrated to Britain for better opportunities.

Should the driving limit be changed to 14 years old?

your kidding me right

How has the driving age limit changed in GB in the last hundred years?

There have been changes to the speed limits in Britain for several reasons. The amount of cars on the road (which has increased dramatically), the age limit for driving which has changed because cars are cheaper and younger people can afford them and the types of cars that are on the road e.g 4X4, Vans, lorries, Super cars and standard cars. Cars have been developed more and more over the last hundred years which means they can go faster and faster due to better fuel consumption and fuel usage

Why have speed limits in Britain changed over the last hundred years?

Perhaps, the changing(increasing) number of population which most likely results to increase in the demand for transportation and therefore to the change it speed limits to regulate traffic and safety of commuters and drivers.

Speed limits over the last 100 years in GB?

1865-the locamotive act imposed a speed limit of 2mph in cities,towns and villages1896-the first speeding ticket for doing 8mph in a 2mph zone1903-the speed limit was rised to 20 mph with large fines for speeding and reckless driving1930-the road traffic act abolished the 20mph speed limit and set a variety of limits for different types of vehicle1934-a limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas1940- a 20mph speed limit in darkness was introduced to try and reduce the high number of road accidents1965-a speed limit of 50mph was introduced on some rural roads1967-it became compulsory to fit seat belts in cars but not to wear them1991-to reduce accidents in busy urban areas, zones with a 20mph speed limit were introduced1992-speed enforcement cameras were introduced at fixed sites1998-the DETR reported that on roads in great Britain in 19973599 people were killed42967 were seriously injured327544 were slightly injured