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First, Babylon conquered Israel and took many Jews out of Israel back to Babylon as captives in war. Once there, provided they did not attempt to leave, they were allowed to live as free people under the king. Then, Persia conquered Babylon and King Cyrus of Persia said that many of the Jews could go back to Israel and rebuild the nation. Over the course of the next five centuries, they were conquered by the Greeks, and later by the Romans. In around the year 65 C.E., many Jewish people in Israel rose up in rebellion against the Roman and they were crushed, and the 2nd Temple was later burnt to the ground. The Romans killed many Jews and took even more out as slaves. For three centuries after the Roman conquest, many Jews continued to live in the Holy Land, but the numbers dwindled. While there did remain a continuous presence of Jews in Israel for the last 2000 years, they were a small minority after this point.

The answer is A) The defeat and enslavement by the Babylons and B) The defeat and enslavement and forced resettlement (Diaspora) by the Romans.

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Q: Why have Jews spread from Israel?
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How much did Judaism spread?

There are Jews everywhere but they are a minority in all places except Israel.

What was the diospora?

Jews living outside Israel. Generally the spread of any people from their original homeland

How much did the Judaism religion spread?

There are Jews everywhere. On the other hand, they are a small minority everywhere except in Israel.

Where was Judaism spread?

The way the question is written implies agency. Most of Judaism's spread was based on necessary migrations of Jews from other countries. Judaism spread by way of people moving, not populations converting. Jews spread throughout the Roman Empire, expanded out through much of Europe and also spread to the New World and Australia, before the mass return of Jews to Israel.

Where did judaism spread to after Israel?

To wherever Jews went in their exile: Western Asia, Europe, North Africa, and later to America.

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Israel is the homeland of the Jews. The word Israel also refers to all the Jews in the world.

What was the forced dispersion of Jews from Islam by the Romans resulting in the spread of Jews and Judaism throughout the world?

You have your facts a little twisted. When the Romans existed, there was no Islam. The Romans forced the Jews from Israel (not Islam) in the year 70 and the result was the "Diaspora."

What percent of all Jews live in Israel?

41% of all Jews live in israel

What percentage of Jews living in Israel were born there?

Out of approximately 76 percent of the Jews in Israel, roughly 67 were born in Israel.

What percentage of Jews living in Israel are converted Jews?

Good question! In Israel, only Orthodox Jews can perform conversions.

Where do some Jews consider their homeland?

Many Jews consider Israel to be their homeland.

Which ethnic group is Israel most influenced by?

Jews, since Israel is 75% Jewish.