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Q: Why have i lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks?
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How much pound did Tina lost in all if Tina has been dieting for a total of 13 weeks and she lost 3 pounds on the first week then gained a pound on the second week afterwords she lost 2 pounds a week?

24 pounds.

Why is diet and exercise not working I am a female 5'10 who eats little and exercises twice everyday...for two weeks now and I have only lost 5 pounds?

It is working diets don't work quickly. I'm on a diet and on my 1st 3 weeks I only lost five pounds. Now I lost twenty pounds total.

How can you lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks without weight watchers?

Yes, but it's difficult.

Bruce lost 7 pounds last month after 2 more weeks he gained 3 pounds and weighed 201 pounds how much did he weigh before losing 7 pounds?


How does a 15-year old girl who is 5'4 and wieghs 138 lose 20 pounds in two weeks?

It is impossible to be healthy and lose 20 pounds in two weeks especially at 15. The standard rate to lose weight is 2-3 pounds per week.

Does HipHop Abs really work?

YES! ive lost 35 pounds in 3 weeks! its so effective and i loveee it

Is 140 pounds overweight for a 14-year-old and if so how do you lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks?

Whether it is overweight is a factor of height as well as age. 15 pounds in 3 weeks is a lot of weight to drop. That's 5 pounds a week, almost a pound a day. There isn't a healthy way to do that, after all it wasn't gained in three weeks. Sensible diet and exercise is always the best way to lose weight. Even 5 pounds in three weeks will make a big difference in how someone looks and feels.

How much is 3 percent of 15 pounds?

3 percent of 15 pounds = £0.453% of £15= 3% * £15= 0.03 * £15= £0.45

Tina lost 3 pounds on the first week of her diet She gained a pound on the second week and then lost 2 pounds a week during every week afterward she has been dieting for a total of 13 weeks How many p?


Which is longer 15 days or 3 weeks?

3 weeks, because 3 weeks is 21 days which is longer than 15 days

Can you loose 15 pounds in 2-3 weeks?

I don't think so. That's too much even without eating.

You have been working out every day for about 3 months and you have lost 9 pounds in three weeks since you stopped working out could you have already lost that much muscle mass?

Your body was used to working out, I stopped lifting for not even a week because i was sick and i lost about 4 pounds of muscle.