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Most live close to the Nile because of the water, the alternative being desert.

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Q: Why have most Egyptians lived along the Nile River and Nile Delta?
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Related questions

What ancient civilization lived near the Nile River?

The Egytians grew around the nile

Where do most Ancient Egyptians lived?

Most lived along the banks of the Nile.

Where 90 percent of Egyptians lived?

In the fertile river valleys.

Why didn't ancient egyptians live in the desert?

There was no water in the desert, and therefore no food. The Egyptians lived along the banks of the Nile because crops were able to grow there, and the river itself was used as a transport route.

Were do you think most ancient egyptians lived?

river nile

Where did most egyptians live and why?

They lived along the river Nile, because the areas directly bordereing the Nile were (and still are) the only fertile areas where crops can grow and cattle can graze.

What do Egyptians do?

They were the people that lived in the lower Nile valley and Nile delta. They were one of the great ancient civilisations and built the pyramids.

Why didn't ancient Egyptians live on desert?

The ancient Egyptians lived around the Nile river because of the fertile soil and the water for their crops.

What did the anchint Egyptians live in?

Poor Egyptians lived in huts with one of two rooms. Rich Egyptians live in fine houses with many rooms, gardens and servants. Both type of dwelling had one thing in common: they were built from bricks made from mud, straw and dung. Stone was reserved for building temples the "houses of the gods".

What civilization lived along the amazon river?

who the hell knows

Where did the yurok live?

They lived along the Klamath River and the Pacific Ocean. They lived in a rainy climate.

Where did the ancient egyptians get milk?

From water buffolo, that lived in the river nile.