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Numbats are endangered, and their numbers continue to drop.

The primary cause of numbats numbers being in decline is the introduction of non-native species to Australia. Introduced species such as foxes, and feral cats and dogs, pose a considerable threat to the numbat. It is a small, quite defenceless creature, only able to protect itself by hiding in hollow logs.

Another reason is habitat loss. Their habitat has been cleared for industry, agriculture and expanding human habitation.

Bushfires and changed fire regimes have also contributed to the numbats' endangerment. Bushfires destroy the numbats' habitat, including the logs in which it shelters. Numbats are not fast-moving creatures, and they cannot escape bushfires, which can move very quickly.

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All species should be saved from extinction. Each one serves a purpose in its own niche, but more to the point, each species is unique and worthy of recognition for this reason alone.

Numbats are particularly unique marsupials. They are the only marsupials adapted completely to a diet of termites, and one of very few truly diurnal marsupials. They are extraordinarily attractive little animals, with their distinctive stripes and bushy tail.

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When were numbats first found?

Numbats have been known by the Aborigines for thousands of years, and their population first began to decline with the introduction of the dingo. Numbats were first discovered by Europeans in 1831, when they were still widespread across southern Australia. It was discovered by an exploration party in the Avon Valley being led by Robert Dale.

Are numbats soft?

Numbats have soft fur.

Are numbats threatened?

Numbats are officially listed as endangered.

Do Numbats have lungs?

Yes, numbats have lungs. Numbats are mammals, and all mammals have lungs and a full respiratory system.

Do numbats live in AZ?

No. Numbats are found only in Western Australia.

What countries territories and states do numbats live in?

Numbats are native to Australia.

When were Numbats first discovered in Australia?

Numbats have been known by the Aborigines for thousands of years, and their population first began to decline with the introduction of the dingo. The numbat was first discovered by Europeans in 1831, when the species was still widespread across southern Australia. It was discovered by an exploration party in the Avon Valley being led by Robert Dale.

What is happening to numbats' endangeredness?

Numbats are still endangered, with a population trend that is decreasing.

What animal is the greatest threat to numbats?

The greatest threat to numbats would be the fox, an introduced species. It is closely followed by feral cats in the threat it poses to numbats.

What noise do numbats make?

During breeding season, numbats make a soft clicking sound. This soft clicking is also heard from young numbats calling to their mothers, but it is different to the adult sound. Numbats have also been known to make soft growling or hissing noises to warn off other numbats.

What is the climate like where numbats live?

Numbats live in a warm to hot, dry climate.

What does a numbat drink?

Numbats drink water. Baby numbats drink mothers' milk.