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There could be many reasons: * A new medication you are on or even a first try new over-the-counter medication. * Poor blood circulation. * Being in the house too much. Use Aveeno Body Lotion (stops the itching.) * Allergy to possibly a new laundry detergent, soap you use to shower or bathe with or bubbly bath. New body lotion. * Body sprays. Go to the pharmacist and get Epsom Salts (not like table salt) and if you don't see it ask your pharmacist for it. Take 2 good cups of Epsom Salts and pour it into a small bowl, pour just enough boiling water over it to dissolve the crystals and then poor into a bath tub full of TEPID water (body temperature water.) Soak for 15 or 20 minutes. Then use Aveeno Body Lotion. Epsom Salts is great for itching, sunburn, wounds, etc. If this itching refuses to go away then please see a dermatologist.

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Q: Why have you been itching all over for over a week I have no other symptoms and havent been in the sun forever?
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