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Because it is a natural instinct for them to go broody

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Q: Why hens sit on their eggs if they dont have rooster to fertilize?
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Do roosters lay on the eggs.?

My rooster sat on the eggs the first time we got him, but he soon stopped and hes job is to fertilize and protect the hens.

What do roosters do that hens don't?

roosters fertilize the eggs but they dont raise the chick

Do you need a rooster to produce eggs?

NO, hens lay eggs without roosters at all. The only thing roosters do for eggs, is fertilize them (Threw Mating) so that a chick can hatch.

Does a bandy rooster lay on the eggs in the nest while the hens are not?

No, Bantam roosters do not take care of eggs, his job is to fertilize those eggs, guard the chickens from predators, and crow.

Do you need a rooster to make a egg?

You do not need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs. A well feed, happy hen of appropriate age will lay about one egg a day. If a rooster is around the eggs will be fertilized and you get more chickens, if not you get yummy eggs to eat.

How do you get a hen to lay eggs without a rooster?

No, a hen cannot lay a fertilized egg without exposure to a rooster. However, a hen can lay fertilized eggs up to a week after the male is taken out of the flock.

When do you sell a rooster becasuse he is to old to fertilize an egg?

Many people say that a rooster if fertile up until his death. The only thing you can do is periodically test the eggs laid by the hens he has mounted to check for fertility.

Does having a rooster make hens lay bigger eggs?

They eggs are the same size as if there is no rooster in the flock.

Why is a boy chicken killed at birth?

Too many roosters will just result in a lot of fights. Only one rooster is required to fertilize eggs in hundreds of hens.

Do laying hens need a rooster to produce an egg daily?

NO, hens don't need a rooster to lay at ALL. The amount of eggs laid, varys between the Age,Breed, and happiness of the hen. Good layers are Rhode Island Reds,Barbed Rock,Aracona,Americona,and many more. The only need for a rooster when it comes to eggs, is to fertilize them (threw Mating) so a chick will hatch.

Does having a rooster help egg production?

A rooster in the hen house is not going to make the hens lay more eggs. If a farmer is wanting to have more chickens, then a select few hens can be put with a rooster for awhile to produce eggs that will actually hatch into baby chicks.

Are eggs laid by a broiler hen fertilized or not?

It depends on whether there is a rooster around to fertilize the eggs. Broiler hens lay eggs that can grow into chicks just as typical egg-layers do - otherwise we wouldn't have broiler chicks to raise.