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Q: Why hrf an important concern in a family?
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What are the importance of hrf and its components to family and fitness?

it is impotant because it will be needed to accompolished the daily task of the family

What are the components of HRF define and give examples of activities on each components?

components of HRF and their examples

How about concern for family and future generation?

concern for family and future generation

What is the most important concern of a fascist government?

i dont knowwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment? please awanser what is the most important concern of a fasciwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?st what is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?goverment?what is the most important concerwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?n of a fascist govewhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?rmewhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?nt?what is the most important concerwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?ment?n of a fascist goverment?

Why is health related fitness an input concern of the family?

Health related fitness is important to every family control health.. And to keep our body healthy...

What is the component of HRF?

put@ hirap naman

What does hrf mean in pe?

l I hate it when people answer questions they don't know with something like "l"! HRF stands for health related fitness.

Why is health related fitness unimportant concern of the family?

important because with are joyful in physical fitness in whole family it makes sare healthy together and live safe to disease

In the opening argument of a trial What is the most important concern?

The most important concern is the impact of the statement on the jury.

What is HRF consumption in SGPGI billing?

health related fitness

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it is

What are the main issues that concern feminist sociologists?

Women's role in a family