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to keep the country united, it's leaders pick another group of people who are in some way different, and make them the enemy.

Example: taliban, Saddam, etc.

Happens inside American to a lesser extent, i.e republicans vs democrats.

The point is, all the fearmongering that said leaders do to make those groups the enemy also has a side effect of the kind of hyperparanoia that is commonplace among the media, which can then be used as an excuse by those leaders to parition off various freedoms previously enjoyed by the rest of the poluation. Such an example would be the freedom of speech - i.e you now cannot say that you agree with the taliban, because that would make you a terrorist and you then would be shipped off to a detention camp in short order.

I said America first because that is the country currently leading the charge with hyperparanoia and denying individual freedoms under the guise of protection, but it is only the most extreme case, the same thing is happening to varying degrees in most of the world.

I wouldn't worry about it though. Eventually they will run out of enemies and turn on themselves, or they will make too many enemies at one time and they will win.

The solution to this problem is to found your own country, or go live somewhere that doesn't have TVs or that doesn't spend more on its military than public healthcare. Even then, watch out for American invasions.

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