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I'm no scientist but I am sure it is just the effect of the chill ice hitting the water. The less cool temperture makes the ice instantly crack. Why, I'm not quite sure:)

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Q: Why ice cube gives out cracking sound when drop into hot water?
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The answer is 10 feet, about 3 feet deeper than most Olympic Pools.

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The water raises the temperature of the ice cube

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solubility generally increases on heating. so sugar cube in boiling water will dissolve fastest.

How long would the ice cube stay in the hot water?

That would depend on the temperature of the cube and the water along with the volume of water and the mass of the ice cube and its area.

What is everything you know about ice cubes?

the ice is work of the nature but the ice cube isn't work of the nature the water gives it a form like that in the fridg.

What happens to the particles that make up an ice cube when melted?

An ice cube is just frozen water. When an ice cube melts it becomes water. Eventually, the water will evaporate.