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Q: Why immigrants desorve the same treatment?
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What issue did Cesar chavez fight for?

Fair treatment and safe working conditions for immigrants. (APEX)

What is the treatment of immigrants by nativist Americans?

When immigrants arrived, Nativists would throw objects at them. They would throw rocks, or wood, or dirt. If that wasn't bad enough, Nativists would exile immigrants to the dirtiest, most dingy and unhealthy outskirts of the city. The immigrants were forced into the worst jobs.

What do immigrants do?

Immigrants travel from their respective countries to another country. Immigrants tend to travel in groups, or settle in areas with many people of their same ethnicity.

Do immigrants get more benefit than citizens?

Depends. But if the immigrants are in that country legally they should have the same benefits if not less.

How were the Asian immigrants treated in the?

In the, asian immigrants were treated quite well compared to that. During that, asian immigrants were often robbed or raped in the streets, and lynchings, though less common, were not unheard of. However, both the and that were much better than those. Let's not even talk about the treatment of asian immigrants during those.

Immigrants who settled in cities got valuable?

Immigrants who settled in the cities got valuable information from other immigrants of the same ethnicity. They often settled in groups together.

Why did Russians immigrants leave their country?

They leaved their Country by the same reasons as immigrants of other nations leaved their own ones.

What is ethnic enclave?

An area housing immigrants from the same country

What is an ethnic encave?

An area where immigrants from the same country lived.

How long did it take immigrants to come to America from japan?

The same time as it took immigrants to arrive from Europe...they all came by ships.

What problems did the Japanese immigrants face?

Japanese immigrants faced segregation in school. They was not allowed to go to the same school as the white child.