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according to me it is effective because our mam teaches us very good. we can understand every thing clearly. so incremental developmet model is effective for business

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Q: Why incremental development is most effective approach for developing business systems?
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Why enterprise risk management is a more effective approach for today's organizations?

why enterprise risk management is a more effective approach for today's organizations.

Why is sellecting a systems development approach an important business decision?

A system development approach is a framework and guide of all the activities involved in system development, facilitates teamwork, sets expectation and communicates timelines, milestones & deliverables. An organization selects a system development approach based on their size, technological complexity and problem/opportunity the system will solve.

Five stems of organisational development?

The 5 stems of organisational development areLaboratory TraininAction Research/ Survey FeedbackNormative Approach of LifeQuality of Work LifeStrategic Change

Difference between Research and Development Project Management and conventional Project Management?

R&D Project Management is characterized by using (almost always) an iterative approach. Conventional Project Management is not restricted to any approach/methodology.

Why do management analysis and practice require a systems approach?

· Most software efforts are increasing in size and complexity and thus require an iterative (or evolutionary) development approach. · Requirements will, in fact, change over the life of the project due to changes in technology, user needs and the environment · Requirements emerge as knowledge is obtained during development · Requirements drive the verification and test process

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What is the difference between object oriented testing and conventional testing?

Conventional testing is the traditional approach to testing mostly done when water fall life cycle is used for development, while object oriented testing is used when object oriented analysis and design is used for developing enterprise software. Conventional testing focuses more on decomposition and functional approaches as opposed to object oriented testing, which uses composition. The three levels of testing (system, integration, unit) used in conventional testing is not clearly defined when it comes to object oriented testing. The main reason for this is that OO development uses incremental approach, while traditional development follows a sequential approach. In terms of unit testing, object oriented testing looks at much smaller units compared to conventional testing

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