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Insects are smaller than human and therefore it will take a shorter time to carry blood around their body so they can take less and it will not affect them as much.

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It is due to lack of hemoglobin .

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Q: Why insects blood has a low oxygen carrying capacity?
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What effects oxygen carrying capacity of blood?

There are multiple factors effecting oxygen carrying capacity of blood. These include:Iron levels,The number of red blood cells (the less there are the less oxygen carrying capacity).Diseases which may damage either the red blood cells or the haemoglobin which is the component which actually carries the oxygen.Hydration level of the person, the less water, the less blood volume the less capacity to carry oxygen!!

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What is the name of Blood that has no oxygen in it?

Scientifically speaking, No. If you had blood anywhere in your body with no oxygen, you would most likely be dead. There is, however a condition called deoxygenated blood, which occurs mostly in veins that are returning blood to the heart to be pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries to become oxygenated. The difference between oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood is only about 25%. This means that your blood is always carrying some oxygen, only sometimes at full capacity and sometimes at partial capacity. When it just leaves your lungs, at full capacity, it is carrying its full load at 100%. But when it is returning to the heart and lungs from using up some of its oxygen during metabolism in the body tissues, it is carrying a load of carbon dioxide, which drops its oxygen carrying capacity to 75%. This 75% carrying capacity is called deoxygenated blood. So, I hope your blood has some oxygen in it!

What happens when the blood has less than it normal oxygen carrying capacity?

Brain failure

How might a lack of dietary iron affect the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood?

Iron is required by the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to all areas of the body. A lack of dietary iron could decrease the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, which can lead to anemia.

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What is oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells due to?

Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is able to bind to oxygen molecules. Therefore, the presence of hemoglobin the red blood cells makes them capable of carrying oxygen.

What is epogen used for?

increase red blood cell orincrease the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood for improved athletic endurance.