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Q: Why inter phase is called the metabolic stage?
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What is the stage where a cell makes a copy of its chromosmes?

It takes place in inter phase. It is the S phase

The stage of cell division that is further divided into more stages called?

the stage of cell division that is further divided into more stages is called? A. synthesis phase b. anaphase c. mid phase d. telephase e. prophase

Interphase preparation for didision?

In the inter-phase preparation for division stage, the cell increases it's own size and copies it's own DNA. The inter-phase is referred to as the living phase of the cell and where the cell performs all of it's duties.

What is the last stage of interphase called and what happens to the cell?

The last stage of interphase is called the G2 phase

What is the analogy for phase stage?

Phase : stage ::

What stage in cell division do cancer cells remain the longest in?

The inter-stage in cell division is the longest phase in cancer cell replication. Damaged DNA and frequent mutations contribute to cancer cells forming.

When during a cell cycle does Replication occur?

The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosisDNA replication occurs during the S phase of interphase.

How does pro-phase look different from inter-phase?

an interphase is the stage of a cell between two successive mitotic or meiotic divisions an a prophase is the first stage of mitosis or meiosis in eukaryotic cell division, during which the nuclear envelope breaks down and strands of chromatin form into chromosomes.

What is the stage right before the daughter cells are formed are called what?

they are formed when the two daughter cells are placed.

What is the significance of inter-phase?

If there was no stage of interphase, a cell would not have enough time to grow. It would keep splitting up without growing and the cells would die.

What is the first stage of growth in plants?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.