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Q: Why interpreter does not convert source code in to object code?
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What are the examples of compiler?

basically compiler is that convert an object code in to machine code and machine code is directly understood by a computer. assembler and interpreter are the examples of compilers. assembler is used to convert object code of assmebly language in machine code.

What are the similarities between compiler and interpreter?

Both compiler and interpreter are the language programs that translates source program into machine code or we can say object code. Both are used to find errors in source program.

Is there any chance a computer that convert the program into machine language is called as a interpreter?

No. Computers do not convert program source code into machine code, period. That job is the responsibility of another piece of software, known as the interpreter or compiler, a machine code program which effectively tells the computer how to perform the translation from source code to machine code. The computer cannot do this job by itself as computers only understand machine code and nothing else. An interpreter simply converts each statement of source code into the equivalent machine code and executes it, one statement at a time. This is extremely slow because subroutines that are called many times must be translated each time they are called, for instance. Thus the source code must always be executed within the interpreter software. A compiler, on the other hand, converts the entire source program into object code which can then be linked to produce the required machine code. Once linked, the machine code will execute without any further interpretation, and is therefore known as a standalone executable.

How is Compiler Different from Interpretor?

A traditional compiler converts the source code to machine code; many recent compilers convert the source code to some intermediate language instead. An interpreter runs the source code directly, which means the source code is basically "interpreted" one line at a time.

What is role of compiler?

It coverts your source code into machine code so the computer can execute it.

Why do programmers used translator?

Programmers used (and still use) translators to convert the source code into object code.

What is computer vs interpreter?

I think the question is wrong. It should be compiler vs interpreter. compiler reads the progem in c/c++ convert it to machine code (object code) and then loader loads it in the memory to run in the supervision of OS. Interpreter reads one line of the code executes it and then reads the next and runs and so on. compiler only creates executables, it doesn't run them while interpreter runs them.

How will you recover a file if it is OBJ file and you want to change it to CPP file?

You cannot. Object code files are machine code files that have yet to be linked. There is no way to convert object code back to its original source code.

Differences between source program and object program?

SOURCE PROGRAM=A set of instructions of the high level language used to code problems to find its solution on a computer is referred as source program. OBJECT PROGRAM=The computer translates the source program into machine language program called object program by using an interpreter or compiler is called object program.

How can text be converted into a language that computers understand?

Source code is translated into machine code by an interpreter, a compiler or an assembler, depending on the language that was used to write the source code.

Why would you use an interperter?

In computer science, an interpreter normally means a computer program that executes, i.e. performs, instructions written in a programming language. An interpreter may be a program that eitherexecutes the source code directlytranslates source code into some efficient intermediate representation (code) and immediately executes thisexplicitly executes stored precompiled code[1] made by a compiler which is part of the interpreter system

Is source code obtainable from object code?
