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as we know that there are 7 periods and 18 groups ,as we go down a group the size of the atom decreases therefore there is a decrease in ionization energy for

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Q: Why ionization energies of alkaline earth metals decrease from Be to Ba?
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Which group of the periodic table has the elements with lowest first ionization energies?

1A Alkali Metals

How does metallic character relate to first ionization energies?

we know that metal has tendency to lose a electron more easily than non metals so the value of the first ionization energy of the metals is very small.

The atoms of the most active non-metals have?

large atomic radii and low ionization energies

Why do non metals have higher ionization energies than metal?

Ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron. Elements other than transition metals gain or lose electrons from the s and p orbitals in order gain the more stable electron configuration of a Noble gas. Metals lose electrons to become isoelectronic (that is have the same electron configuration) to a noble gas (previous to them in the periodic table), while nonmetals tend to gain electrons in order to become isoelectronic to a Noble gas (next highest on the periodic table). Since ionization energy is the energy needed to REMOVE an electron, it is low for metals which form positive ions by losing electrons to become more stable, but very high for nonmetals that tend to gain, NOT LOSE, electrons. Most transition metals tend to lose electrons as well (other than Rhenium). Transition metals lose electrons from the d orbital, but still form positive ions, so their ionization energy is also usually lower than nonmetals.

Elements in group 2 are called?

Group 2 elements in the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals.

Related questions

Is the ionization energy of alkali metals larger or smaller than the alkaline earth metals in the same period?

It is about first ionization energy. It is less than alkaline earth metals.

Alkali metal and alkaline earth metal have how many ionization energies?

Alkali metals (group 1 elements) have one valence electron. Hence have one ionization energy Alkaline earth metals (group 2 elements) have two valence electron. Hence have two ionization energy

Why do the alkali metal have lower ionization energies than the alkaline earth metals?

Alkali gases only have 1 electron needing to be removed to reach a stable noble gas configuration. Alkaline earths have two electrons. Alkali metals thus have the lower ionization energy of the two groups.

Why do alkali metals have lower ionization energies than the alkali earth metals?

Alkali gases only have 1 electron needing to be removed to reach a stable noble gas configuration. Alkaline earths have two electrons. Alkali metals thus have the lower ionization energy of the two groups.

Would you expect metals or nonmetals in the same periods to have higher ionization energies?

Non-metals have higher ionization energies within the same period. This is because non-metals want to gain electrons to be able to be like the nearest noble gas.

What is the relationship between ionization energy and the alkali metals?

There is no relation ship. They have the lowest ionization energies.

Which family of elements should have the lowest first ionization enegies?

the alkaline metals

First ionisation energies of alkaline earth metals are higher than those of alkali metals?

Yes, they are.

Which group of the periodic table has the elements with lowest first ionization energies?

1A Alkali Metals

How does metallic character relate to first ionization energies?

we know that metal has tendency to lose a electron more easily than non metals so the value of the first ionization energy of the metals is very small.

The atoms of the most active non-metals have?

large atomic radii and low ionization energies

Why do metals and non-metals usually form ionic compounds whereas two bonded non-metals are never ionic?

First an explanation in terms of ionization energy and electron affinity: Metals have low ionization energies and readily form ions. Non-metals have high electron affinities- so put them together and electron transfer is favourable. Two bonded non metals are generally covalent- their ionization energies are high. Now an explanation in terms of electronegativity (electronegativity is related to ionization energy and elctron affinity) metals have low electronegativity- non metals are comparativelly high. So electron transfer is likely. Just a cautionary word about compounds of non metals never being ionic-- what about PBr5- a binary compound of two non metals- in the solid state this has the structure PBr4+ Br-...bit of a cheat really as there is a polyatomic ion in there but it is ionic!