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It's not. One lunar "sol" is about 29.5 Earth days.

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Q: Why is 1 day on earth equal to 14 days on the moon?
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Related questions

How many days on earth are equal to one day on the moon?

Roughly 29 days on earth is equal to one day on the moon.

Why is a day on the moon equal to a month on earth?

It really does not, but it is close to a month. The moon always faces the same way to the earth as it goes around the earth. So the Moon day is the same as its orbit around the Earth, Roughly 29 days.

Why is a day in the moon the same lenght as a year on earth?

It isn't. A "day on the Moon" is about 29.5 Earth days; a year is about 365 days.

Is a day and a year on the moon the same length?

A day on the moon is 29.5 Earth days. The moon takes 27.3 days to fully orbit the Earth. This is called a sidereal day.

Which planet has one day equal to 29 earth days?

The Moon sees the Sun going round one circuit in 29 days.

What is the length of on day on the moon?

The length of a "day" on the moon is 29 Earth days.

How many earth days does the moon have?

The lunar day is about 29 earth-days long.

How many earth day equal a mercury day?

59 Earth Days(58.646day) equal to a mercury day.

How many earth days does the moon experience on a moon day?

29 1/2 days.

How long is a day if you were on the moon?

29.5 earth days

Does the moon circle the earth every day?

No. The moon takes about 27 days to go around the earth.

Length of the Moon's day?

29.5 earth days is one moon day wich is the length of the moons day