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The European and US countries is highly populated and also has a high drug abuse rate. There is also higher exposure and mobility in comparisons with other countries.

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Q: Why is AIDS potentially a more serious problem in Europe than in the US?
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What is the main environmental problem of Mozambique?

serious drought and cyclones. also the HIV/AIDS rates are pretty high.

Is a serious health problem in Africa.?

Aids is a serious problem to health due to lack of education about STD's and rampant poverty which leads to lack of protection during sex. Also bad health care means bad treatment and diagnosis of AIDS.

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Its SERIOUS.... Do you even have to ask?

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pretty sure its either malaria or aids

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As of 2013, AIDS and HIV continue to be a problem for both gay communities and straight communites alike.

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What is A Major Problem in Kenya and Do People Die From it?

AIDS is a huge health problem if Kenya. Over 150,000 people die of AIDS every month.

Sharing a drink with an aids person?

your fine -______- AIDS will only be transferred through serious bodily fluids, such as blood. Nothing like saliva.

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