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Q: Why is Africa a suitable habitat for lions?
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Where is its habitat lions?

In Africa.

What is a lions habitat made from?

Lions live in Africa on the Savannah.

In what habitat do African lions live?

Suitable habitat for the lions consists of semi-arid plains and Savannah grasslands. This habitat is exhibited almost extensively throughout sub-Saharan Africa with the exception of the Congo region. The Savannah grasslands are spotted with Acacia trees which provide shade and resting locations for lions.

What kind of habitat do lions live in?

Lions live in Africa. IN DEEP GRASS

What is the white lions habitat?

White lions are most common in parts of southern Africa.

Where is the lion's habitat and where are they from?

there habitat is mostly in jungles they are from asia and africa Hoped I helped thnx :)

What type of habitat are lions found in?

Lions live in Africa in woodlands, brush, open plains, and even semi desert.

Why don't lions live in the US?

They don't have the natural habitat that they thrive in, which is found in Africa. Because the Atlantic Ocean is between Africa and America, and lions can't swim.

What is white lion habitat?

White lions are most common in parts of southern Africa.

What habitat lions live in?

The African lion's habitat is on the open Africa Savanna (grasslands), with each pride occupying a separate territory.

What habitat is home to African lions?

Lions generally live in hot, arid climates. A prime example of an African lion's ideal habitat is the Sahara in Africa.

Can people live in Africa where lions live?

I dont think so lions are natural carnivores you may be able to train one but when you go to sleep you never know what can happen.