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The lower 48 states were settled in a continual westward expansion so that all of the states are connected. Alaska however was not settled by us but by the Russians and later purchased by the U.S. At the time Alaska was purchased Canada was already settled and established therefore the U.S. could not expand and settle the land between the lower 48 states and Alaska connecting the two. The only way they could be connected is if the U.S. owned what is now British Columbia, Canada.

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Q: Why is Alaska not attached to US?
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What two states in the US are not attached to each other?

Alaska and Hawaii

What is the biggest state in USA?

Alaska is the biggest state in the US. Texas is the biggest state attached to the US.

Which two states are not attached to the to the rest of US?

Two states which are not part of the lower 48 are Alaska and Hawaii.

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Alaska and Hawaii are not in the contiguous United States - meaning that they are not attached to the country. Alaska is attached to Canada, and is the biggest state in the USA. Hawaii is a series of islands off the Pacific coast, near California. So its California

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Alaska is in the U.S. but the U.S. is not in alaska <><><> Alaska is PART of the US. It is a state.

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Alaska is a land mass attached to the rest of North America. It is not going to melt away.

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Alaska IS part of the US.

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Hawaii is the only state separate from the continental US. - But both Hawaii and Alaska are separate from the contiguousUS.

Which US State is larger than Alaska?

No US state is larger than Alaska. Alaska is the largest state in the US.

How many provences are in the US?

There are not any provinces in the U.S. Larger areas are called states and there are 50 of them. Alaska and Hawaii are not attached to the continental U.S., but they are states, nonetheless.

Was the treaty to purchase Alaska signed in the US or Alaska?

Well, Alaska is part of the US. The treaty was, however, signed outside of Alaska.

What is the distance between Alaska and the US?

Alaska borders Canada, so I suppose it really depends on how far into Alaska you are.