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It is because he is the "father", if you will, of modern physics. While many of theories may be inaccurate, it is because of him that physics is where it is today.

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Q: Why is Albert Enstein still important today?
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How is Albert Einstein so important today?

Mathematical solutions or rules that he was responsible for developing are still being used today.

Why is Albert Einstein's work important for us today?

he made so many things that we use today.

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Their laws are still used today.

How many people did Albert Einstein inspire?

Millions. He is still inspiring people today.

What is Albert Einstein important contribution to mathematics today?

turning plants into rainbow colors

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It was still there yesterday but I don't know if anything happened today.

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it is still cherished today because he was very important.

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Is Albert Einstein's work still used today?

yes, e=mc2 is used in nuclear fusion labs .

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