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Q: Why is Astatine the least reactive halogen?
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What is the least reactive element in group6?

Group seven is known as the halogen group. The least reactive element in group seven is astatine. Fluorine is the most reactive.

What is the most reactive halogen?

the halogens decrease in reactivity as you move down the group, so i guess that the least reactive would be Astatine. Hope this helps =)

Which of the two halogens shown is more reactive?

The most reactive halogen, and one of the most reactive of all the elements, is fluorine. Reactivity in the halogen family continues in order from most reactive to least reactive with chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine.

Halogen with the least-negative electron affinity?

The halogen with the least-negative electron affinity is astatine. Electron affinity and electronegativities decreases down a group. Since astatine is the last halogen located in Group 17 as you move down the column from fluorine, it has the least negative electron affinity.

What is the least active halogen?

Helium, the noble gas with the smallest atoms.

What halogen has the most electrons?

This halogen is astatine.

What element is most similar to astatine?

Astatine is similar to the halogen family

Does astatine belong to the halogen family?

Yes, it is. Though rarely talked about Astatine is in the Halogen family.

What is the most radioactive of the halogen elements?

1. astatine is a halogen that is radioactive.

Does astatine react with chlorine?

Astatine is reactive as a halogen; some compounds are HAt, NaAt, MgAt2, CAt4, AtBr, AtI, etc. The chemistry of astatine is practically not known because we have not sufficient quantities of astatine for study and also the half life of astatine isotopes are too short.

What is a sixth period halogen?

Astatine is the 6th period halogen.

Ia astatine a metal metalloid or a nonmetal?

Astatine is a nonmetal and halogen.