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Athena won the competition of creating the gift the people would like most. Poseidon created a water spring, Athena created an olive tree. the people liked Athena's gift more, and named their city after her.

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Q: Why is Athens named after Athene and not Poseidon?
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Why did the Athenians name there city after the goddess Athena?

Basically, Athene and Poseidon both wanted the city, and so the elders of the town decided to hold a contest. Whichever god could give Athens the better gift would have the honour of it being named after them. Poseidon gave a spring of salt water, or a horse in some versions; Athene gave the olive tree. Athene's gift was judged the better, and the city was named after her. It is said that the spring is still there.

What gods did Athens worship?

The deity that Athens was named for was Athene, goddess of wisdom, NOT to be confused with Artimis, goddess of the hunt.

What desine does Athene weave in the story arachne?

Athena wove the story of how she won the right to name the city of Athens over the god Poseidon.

Athena was named the patron goddess of Athens after defeating whom?

Athena and Poseidon competed for patronage of Athens (it had not been named at the time). Poseidon gave to them a well, and Athena gave them an olive tree. They chose Athena for her gift of the olive tree, and named the city Athens.

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Is Athens named after the greek goddess Athena?

Yes, it is. Athens was named after Athena because she and Poseidon were in a competition to have Athens. Athena won by creating the first olive tree.

Athens is named after Athena who was Athenaand what did she do?

Athena was the goddess of wisdom and battle. Athens was named after Athena when she beat poseidon (god of the sea) at a challenge for the city.

Which state was named after the goddess Athena?

The Greek City-State Athens was named for Athena. Athena won Athens from Poseidon because her gift of the olive tree was favored over Poseidon's salt spring, the sea of Erekhtheis.

How did athene win the city of Athens?

first of all its Athena and second of all she had a battle with her uncle poseidon she created the olive tree and he created a water spring and the people of Athens picked the olive tree over the water spring

Who was the city Athens name after?

The Greek city Athens was named after Athena. She and Poseidon fought over who would rule the land and Athena won, therefore the city was named after her.

The city of Athens was named for .?

Athens was named after Athena, the patron goddess of the city. She and Poseidon fought over who would be patron, and in the end, they had a competition. They both had to create a gift to give to the Athenians, and whoever had the better gift won. Poseidon made a salt water spring (being the god of the seas) and Athena created the olive tree. Needless to say, she won.

How is the problem solved between poseidon and Athena?

The problem of the city to be named "Athens" was solved when it was judged by Zeus.