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Q: Why is Australiai's outback relatively unpopulated?
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22.9% of it is unpopulated.

Who lost their state so Israel could have their?

No one, the land that the modern state of Israel was established on was a relatively unpopulated territory of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

What is the most unpopulated country in world?

Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark, is considered the least populated country in the world. With only around 56,000 inhabitants, it has the lowest population density among all territories, making it one of the most sparsely populated places on Earth.

How much of US land mass is unpopulated?

Approximately 47% of the land area in the United States is considered rural and sparsely populated. This includes vast areas like national parks, forests, and deserts that have very low population density.

Is Yukon rural or urban?

Yukon is a territory in Northern Canada, to the east of Alaska. Much of Yukon Territory is relatively unpopulated. There is also a Yukon City, in the State of Oklahoma, and a Fort Yukon in the State of Alaska.

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What is the difference between a populated segment and an unpopulated segment?

populated segments a network segment that contains ends nodes,such as work stations. unpopulated segments a network segment that does not contain end nodes, such as workstations. Unpopulated segments are also called link segments.

What is the name of the most unpopulated continent?

green land

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What is the most unpopulated city in England?

There is no such figure as to what is the most unpopulated city. I have seen cities with a population of about 6 people, but there are possible cities with less people.