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He smokes crack.

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Q: Why is Brett Gyllenskog so physically abusive?
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It is so sad but true. She is violent and completely unpredictable.

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brett favre is awesome because brett favre is awesome

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You don't translate names, so Brett is still Brett in japanese.

You are 16 and you want to be emancipated in Missouri your father will take this to court. he used to be physically abusive and is still verbally abusive What are the chances of you losing in court?

Missouri does not have emancipation of minors statues so there can be no court procedure concerning such. If there is abuse you should enlist the help of a trusted adult such as a teacher or contact the state's child protective services for assistance.

Is saying things about my weight abuse?

Anything that hurts you and effects you in a negative way whether mentally, emotionally, or physically, can be considered abuse. So yes, if someone is talking bad about you because of your weight then it's emotionally abusive.

How do you talk to both a physically and emotionally abusive father who has no self control toward anyone?

Make sure that you know for sure that he is. If so, tell another adult that you trust. They could be a teacher, family member or anyone you can trust.

Where was Brett Frave born?

Do you mean Brett Favre? If so, Favre was born in Gulfport, Mississippi.

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because he is a paste

Why is Brett so awesome?

Simply because.

What is Brett Favre's 40?

Brett Favre was drafted in 1991, and at that time, there wasn't the level of scouting that there is now, so Brett did not have an official 40 yard dash time.

Do you give your abusive partner his belongings back?

Abusive or not, "his" belongings are his property and so in the eyes of the law they must go back to him. Anyway, if you tried to keep them, wouldn't that just make him MORE abusive?

Are there books and videos available for verbally abusive men who want to change?

* The best way for an abused man to move on from a verbally abusive relationship is to seek counseling. Just like women, men may have lost their self respect; feel demeaned and ashamed (they are suppose to be the stronger sex) and he needs to find out why he stayed so long in the abusive relationship. Without proper counseling just like women, men can choose another abusive partner in the future and don't have the tools to tell when rag flags go up that the person they are with is controlling at best and the worst .. verbally or even physically abusive. Men have been brought up to not hit women, so it is very often hard for the man to make sense as to why he put up with the abuse for so long. Men can be victims of abuse too and they should not blame themselves.