

Why is CO2 dangerous?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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Carbon dioxide is not toxic but is also not breathable.

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Q: Why is CO2 dangerous?
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Why do you say that CO2 gas when inhaled is dangerous but bottled drink which have CO2 gas?

it is because inhaled CO2 comes in direct contact with our lungs,which spread gases throughout the body cells, if CO2 enters in cells,it reacts with haemoglobin which forms carbaminohaemoglobin, and it's dangerous for health. This is not the matter when we drink soda mixed with CO2.

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Regular ones not CO2 ones

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Yes, it will not work with CO2.

Does dangerous power g4 need co2 or air?

just air

Is an unvented hvac dangerous?

An unvented HVAC system can be very dangerous to everyone. When you do not use vents, the system will release CO2, which is very dangerous to everyone.

Why is it said that Co2 gas when inhaled it's dangerous?

because that is the gas we release.

Does the dangerous power E1 use compressed air?

Yes, co2 is not recomended.

Can carbon footprint get dangerous?

yes. if we don't control how much co2 we release.

Does Co2 have a sent Just Co2 Nothing else just plain Co2?

no. CO2 is an odorless, tasteless gas question is like does co2 has odor. and co2 is plan chemical. co2 is as said odorless chemical compound. but it is very dangerous to earth as it absorb the infrared and near infrared radiation which hea the earth. this is one of the major green house gas.

Would a heated co2 cartrige shoot farther than a cold co2 cartrige?

Yes, hotter Co2 expands faster than cold, but only if that temperature is constant, but heating CO2 tanks is extremely dangerous, and will not do anything but weaken the cylinder, which may explode and shrapnelize.